SIBT Diploma Program (pathway to Macquarie University)

SIBT Diplomas prepare you for entry into second year of a relevant Macquarie University Bachelor degree and give you a recognized qualification for employment purposes. It is designed for students who have achieved the equivalent to Year 12, Australian high school, completed a Certificate IV in University Foundation Studies or obtained other post-school certificates or diplomas.

Upon successful completion of a SIBT Diploma/Advanced Diploma, students will proceed directly to the second year of a Bachelor degree. With SIBT, students can complete a Diploma and a Bachelor degree within three years. (Note: It is possible to complete a Diploma and a Bachelor Degree within two years at Macquarie City Campus)

Since 1996, SIBT and Macquarie University have worked together to provide the leading pathway program in Australia. With over 3,200 students, SIBT has become a distinguished choice for both Australian and international students who seek alternative entry to university studies in a supportive learning environment.

Program Features

SIBT Diplomas prepare students for entry into second year of a relevant Macquarie University Bachelor degree and provide a recognized qualification for employment purposes.

SIBT Diploma and Advanced Diploma lecturers are approved by Macquarie University and many teach the same unit at the university. Upon graduation students receive a nationally accredited award.

You may choose from the following pathways:

  • Diploma of Commerce
  • Diploma of Business Administration
  • Diploma of Computing
  • Diploma of Communication
  • Diploma of Arts
  • Diploma of Electronic Engineering

Upon successful completion of a SIBT Diploma/Advanced Diploma, students will proceed directly to the second year of a Bachelor degree. With SIBT, students can complete a Diploma and a Bachelor degree within three years. (Note: It is possible to complete a Diploma and a Bachelor Degree within two years at Macquarie City Campus).

Subjects and Majors

Diploma of Commerce

Provides the basis for further study in areas such as accounting, finance, actuarial studies, business law, demography, economics, marketing and statistics. Career options are varied across private and public sector organisations and can include Accountancy, Stockbroking, Finance, Economics and Marketing. Students specialise in their preferred area when they begin their second year studies at Macquarie University or Macquarie City Campus.

You can progress to year two of these degrees in Macquarie university:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Commerce with Majors in:
    • Accounting
    • Applied Econometrics
    • Economics
    • Marketing
    • International Business
    • Human Resources
    • Commercial Law
    • Finance
  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Commerce- Professional Accounting GPA 1.5
  • Bachelor of Applied Finance GPA 2.25
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies GPA 3.0 plus Math 135 (high distinction) and ACST101 (credit)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration GPA 2.0

Diploma of Business Administration

Provides a comprehensive prepration for students wishing to pursue a career in business management without undertaking a full specialisation. Students will learn broad business skills required for modern management. Careers are often found in the areas of business administration, banking, management, consulting, computing, financial management, marketing, recruitment and staff development.

You can progress to year two of these degrees in Macquarie university:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Commerce with Majors in:
    • Accounting
    • Applied Econometrics
    • Economics
    • Marketing
    • International Business
    • Human Resources
    • Commercial Law
    • Finance
  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Commerce- Professional Accounting GPA 1.5
  • Bachelor of Business Administration GPA 2.0

Diploma of Computing

Ideal for students with an interest in computing. The course provides a broad introduction and students progress to more specialised areas in their second and third years. Career options include system analysis, programming, database administration,networking, artificial intelligence, language technology, multimedia and internet development, e-commerce and other areas in Government and industry.

You can progress to year two of these degrees in Macquarie university:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Technology, Information Systems)
  • Bachelor of Engineering
  • Bachelor of eBusiness
  • Bachelor of Science (Software Technology, Information Systems)

Diploma of Communication

Provides the foundation for further studies in the dynamic areas of media, public affairs, international relations, social science and culture. Career options are varied upon completion of a degree. Employment may be gained in Government and industry administration, publishing and editing, journalism, arts policy/administration, public relations, advertising, media production or audience research.

You can progress to year two of these degrees in Macquarie university:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (in Media and Cultural Studies)
  • Bachelor of Media GPA3.0
  • Bachelor of International Communication GPA2.5

Diploma of Electronic Engineering

This course provides a comprehensive preparation for students wishing to pursue a career in electronic engineering and related fields. Electronic engineers design, build and manage electronic systems used in a wide variety of applications requiring sensing, control, transmission and processing of electrical, radio and optical signals.

You can progress to year two of these degrees in Macquarie university:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (with specializations in Computer, Electronics, Software, Telecommunications and Wireless Engineering)

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